Without a doubt, learning a new language is a huge undertaking. Think about it…everything you’ve ever said in your native language has an equivalent translation in your target language. Therefore, there’s certainly a lot to learn; grammar, pronunciation, idioms, etc. But there’s more to effective language study than just learning new words and rules.

This page is where we feature original articles on the subject of language learning. First and foremost, is learning another language a worthwhile goal for you? Honestly, it’s really not for everyone. We address this question in Maybe You Shouldn’t Learn Another Language. If, however, you’re determined to do it, then you should know how it’s done. We explain this in How to Learn Another Language.

If you have any questions about language study, contact us. Also, if you have any suggestions about a topic we could write about, please let us know!

How Did a CEO Learn French in 17 Days?

Spotnight CEO David Bailey answers a common question on Quora: What are the best ways to learn a language as an adult? Here's what he had to say: I've learned several foreign languages as an adult. I was able to learn French to conversation fluency in 17 days using the following techniques. Note that I [...]

How Did a CEO Learn French in 17 Days?2016-10-31T11:39:37-05:00

For a Better Brain, Learn Another Language

Multilinguals are more perceptive to their surroundings and better at focusing in on important information. By learning a foreign language, the multilingual speaker is opened up to the perspective, culture and history of another region, thereby expanding his mind (and his brain) to new facets of life that he may not have considered if he spoke only [...]

For a Better Brain, Learn Another Language2016-10-31T11:39:37-05:00


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